At TSV, we do our best to make the publications, books, and articles authored by our team and colleagues accessible to the public. Below, we've listed select works and their APA citation. Please contact TSV if you need assistance finding them on search platforms or in libraries.
The Measure of Youth Policy Arguments: An Approach to Supporting Democratic Participation and Student Voice
Kirshner, B., Zion, S., DiGiacomo, D., & Logan, G. (2020). The Measure of Youth Policy Arguments: An Approach to Supporting Democratic Participation and Student Voice. Democracy & Education, 28(2), Article 4.
Beyond the Trifold in Civics Presentations: The Measure of Youth Policy Arguments
Hipolito-Delgado, C. P., Stickney, D., Kirshner, B., & Maul, A. (2021). Beyond the trifold in Civics presentations: The measure of youth policy arguments. Journal of Youth Development, 16(4), 149–165.
The Urban Review: Special Edition
Zion, S., Rapa, L., Domínguez, M., Kornbluh, M., Milner IV, H. R., Jean, C., Kirshner , B., Hipolito-Delgado, C., Diemer, M., Hawley McWhirter, E., Sánchez Carmen , S. A., Gutiérrez, K., Murray, I. E., Watts, R. J., Ozer, E. J., & Allen, C. D. (2015). The Urban Review: Volume 47, issue 5. SpringerLink.
Co-Constructing Knowledge for Action in Research Practice Partnerships
Campanella, M., Kirshner, B., Mendy, J., Landa-Posas, M., Terrazas Hoover, K. T., Lopez, S., Porras-Holguin, L.-E., & Estrada Martín, M.
E. (2022). Co-Constructing Knowledge for Action in Research Practice Partnerships. Social Sciences, 11(3), 140.
Advocating for Students During Distance Learning: The Role of the School Counselor
Hipolito-Delgado, C. P., Porras, L.-E., Stickney, D., & Kirshner, B. (2021). Advocating for students during distance learning: The role of the school counselor. Professional School Counseling, 24(1b), 1–10.
Transformative Student Voice for Sociopolitical Development: Developing Youth of Color as Political Actors
Hipolito‐Delgado, C. P., Stickney, D., Zion, S., & Kirshner, B. (2022). Transformative student voice for sociopolitical development: Developing youth of color as political actors. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 32(3), 1098–1108.
Fostering Youth Sociopolitical Action: The Roles of Critical Reflection, Sociopolitical Efficacy, and Transformative Student Voice
Hipolito-Delgado, C. P., Stickney, D., Kirshner, B., & Donovan, C. (2021). Fostering youth sociopolitical action: the roles of critical reflection, sociopolitical efficacy, and transformative student voice. Urban Education, 004208592110684.
A Theory of Change for Scaling Critical Civic Inquiry
Kirshner, B., Zion, S., Lopez, S., & Hipolito-Delgado, C. (2021). A theory of change for scaling critical civic inquiry. Peabody Journal of Education, 96(3), 294–306.
Students Learned So Much More During the Pandemic Than We Realize. Just Ask Them.
Kirshner, B., Salazar, B., Cortez, A., & Hipolito-Delgado, C. P. (2021, October 13). Students learned so much more during the pandemic than we realize. Just ask them. - EdSurge news. EdSurge.
Youth Activism in an Era of Education Inequality
Kirshner, B. (2015). Youth activism in an era of education inequality. New York University Press.
Use of Research Evidence Generated by Youth: Conceptualization and Applications in Diverse U.S. K-12
Ozer, E. J., Abraczinskas, M., Voight, A., Kirshner, B., Cohen, A. K., Zion, S., Glende, J. R., Stickney, D., Gauna, R., Lopez, S. E., & Freiburger, K. (2020). Use of research evidence generated by youth: Conceptualization and applications in diverse U.S. K‐12 educational settings. American Journal of Community Psychology, 66(1–2), 81–93.
Get Out of Your Own Way: Sharing Power to Engage Students of Color in Authentic Conversations of Social Inequity
Stickney, D., Cordova, E. M., & Hipolito-Delgado, C. P. (2022). Get out of your own way: Sharing power to engage students of color in authentic conversation of social inequity. In J. C. Lo (Ed.). Making Discussions Work: Methods for Quality Dialogue in the Social Studies (pp. 192-209). Teachers College Press.
Urban Schooling and the Transformative Possibilities of Participatory Action Research
Zion, S., Kirshner, B., Sung, K., & Ventura, J. (2021). Urban schooling and the transformative possibilities of participatory action research. Handbook of Urban Education, 507–522.
Transformative Student Voice: Extending the Role of Youth in Addressing Systemic Marginalization in U.S. Schools
Zion, S. (2020). Transformative student voice: Extending the role of youth in addressing systemic marginalization in U.S. schools. Multiple Voices for Ethnically Diverse Exceptional Learners, 20(1), 32–43.